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vrijdag, september 26, 2003

Hoe Klein Duimpje verloor van de Reus, of was het toch Don Quichote vs windmolens?

A federal court judge who earlier slammed Peggy Gentieu’s lawsuit against Getty Images as meritless, frivolous, and a waste of time has now ordered the photographer to reimburse her former stock agency $728,308.23 for its legal costs in the case.

Gentieu has asked the U.S. Court of Appeals to reconsider her entire case on the merits. Oral arguments are scheduled for October 24. Meanwhile, Getty Images says it has offered "multiple times that if she drops her appeal, we will not press her to pay us the ordered fees". Gentieu’s lawyer said Gentieu plans to appeal the court order on the legal fees, too.

Gentieu sued Getty Images for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, and copyright infringement in January 2000. She alleged that Getty licensed her pictures beyond the scope of its authority, that it undercut her and infringed her copyrights by directing other photographers to copy her images, and that it failed to live up to its obligations to market her work.

With an unusual degree of contempt and anger, the judge dismissed all of Gentieu’s claims against the agency last March. Getty conceded on just one of Gentieu’s claims -- a claim for unpaid license fees. The agency resolved that claim last year by paying what it owed, plus interest, for a total of more than $133,000. The judge ordered Gentieu to pay Getty $503, 959.50 for fees related to her copyright and fiduciary duty claims, $161,922.97 for general litigation work, and $62,425.76 for out-of-pocket expenses. He gave Gentieu a September 12 deadline to pay up.

Bron: Photo District Newswire.

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